Privacy Policy
We (the “Company”) recognize that protection of personal information is an important social responsibility in the development of Flexnap and its associated services. Recognizing the importance of protecting personal information handled by the Company, the Company will formulate the following policies to protect privacy, comply with laws and regulations concerning personal information, and conduct business activities.
- In handling personal information, the Company shall comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other relevant laws and regulations, the guidelines and other standards established by the government relevant to the business field of the Company, and the Company's internal regulations.
- Personal information shall be properly handled within the scope of the purpose of use after clarifying the purpose of use.
- The Company will implement the necessary measures to prevent personal information from being handled beyond the specified purpose of use.
- The use and provision of acquired personal information shall be strictly controlled and carefully monitored, and no disclosure shall be made to a third party without obtaining the consent of the owner of information, except where such disclosure is required by law to be treated as an exception.
- In the event the Company entrusts any services to a third party, including the use of personal information within the scope of the purpose of use thereof, the Company shall select a person who has the ability to protect personal information and who is certain to properly manage such information, and shall instruct and supervise the appropriate management of personal information.
- Recognizing the importance of ensuring the safety of personal information at all times, we will implement information security measures using education and other appropriate means to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage. We will also review such security measures if necessary. In addition, in the event that a safety measure problem is identified, the cause of the problem shall be immediately identified and corrective measures shall be taken.
- The Company shall sincerely and promptly respond to requests for disclosure, correction, or deletion of personal information from the person in question.
- With regard to complaints and consultations about acquired personal information, the Company shall clearly indicate the contact point for complaints and consultations on the documents presented at the time of acquisition and on the Company's website or app, and a system shall be established and operated so as to enable prompt responses to such complaints and inquiries.
- In order to ensure the proper use and protection of personal information, we will ensure that all executives and employees are thoroughly informed, and will periodically review and continuously improve this policy.